
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Episode 3 - I'm a Kenyan Princess
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
So you know how when you record two podcasts in a row and NEITHER of them get recorded properly and they have to be scrapped?? Well that's what happened to us yesterday! GUH! Audacity had the audacity to change settings and mess errythang up! (Jon Gomora's joke). But that's ok because we figured out the problem, and we rallied late last night to slam together this fun podcast where regular host Luke Soin (sorry Joe-Joe was all burnt out by the earlier failure to record) is joined by comedians Emma Haney, Jon Gomora, and John Ross!

Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Episode 2 - The Kicky Punchy Stuff
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Saturday Jan 16, 2016

Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Episode 1 - Frag, B1tch!
Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Saturday Jan 09, 2016
You know when you playin' video games and you frag somebody and you're all like FRAG, BITCH!? That's what the first episode of Epic Tiki's Take: The Podcast is like. Just frag frag frag all over the place. Join comedians Luke Soin, Joe-Joe Louis, and Emma Haney as they talk about gaming, comedy, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens!