
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Episode 13 - The Division, Doctor Strange, Rogue One, and Suicide Squad
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Tuesday Apr 19, 2016
Sorry for taking a week off guys but we're back! And so is Joe-Joe Louis! He joins Luke Soin and special guest, comedian Anthony K, who drove up to Sacramento from Modesto to record with us.
Anthony tells us all about Ubisoft's The Division, which Joe-Joe and Luke have not played yet. Then we get into some of the amazing movie trailers that have been dropping including the first trailer for Doctor Strange, the first trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and the third trailer for Suicide Squad. Did we like them? Do we get into nerdy minutia?? Find out in this episode!
Follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe), @AnthonyKComedy (Anthony)
And if you have questions or comments LIKE our Facebook page and send them to us. We would love topic suggestions too if you got 'em.
Please also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos! We have a new sketch dropping this week!

Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Episode 12 - The Flash Season 2
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Hey guys we're back with another episode! This time Luke Soin is joined by the hilarious Nick Larson! He is a stand up comedian and the co-host (along with comedian Saul Trujillo, @babymanchild) of The Joke Me Off Podcast (@JMOpodcast).
Since Joe-Joe isn't here this week, we chose one topic, season 2 of The Flash. We go into full SPOILERS through last week's time travel/time wraith episode, so don't listen unless you're ok with that. We also spend some time talking about Arrow with spoilers, as well as our excitement for Captain America Civil War, and Nick's colon!
Thanks for listening friends. We'll be back next week!
Follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe), @NickLarson85 (Nick) @JMOpodcast (Joke Me Off Podcast, which you should also listen to)
And please send us questions and comments on our Facebook page. We would love topic suggestions too if you got 'em.
Please also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos! We have new ones coming out soon...

Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Episode 11 - Batman VS Superman, Daredevil SSN 2, and Oculus Rift
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Thursday Mar 31, 2016
Sorry for missing a week or two guys, we have just been so busy! But we're back this week with stand up comedians Luke Soin (me), Joe-Joe Louis, and Ta'Vi!
We're continuing our new format, which we love, so this week our topics are the Oculus Rift, Daredevil season 2, and the polarizing Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice. We do get into SPOILERS for Daredevil season 2 (24:10) and BVS (01:04:00), so if you want to avoid those or skip over one, scrub to the time codes listed there.
So much heated nerdy debate you guys, so much! And we were excited to learn just how much Ta'Vi loves comic books, because we had no idea, no idea! Thanks for listening friends. We'll be back next week!
Follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy, @BuckyGums, @TaviTalksTrash
Send us questions and comments on our Facebook page!
Also go to youtube.com/epictikicomedy and check out our videos/subscribe to our channel!

Friday Mar 18, 2016
Episode 10 - Stony Tark
Friday Mar 18, 2016
Friday Mar 18, 2016
Hey everyone, we have a new format! To keep the show more in line with the original goal of discussing recent "nerd" happenings, we are now having each participant on each episode bring his or her own topic to the show.
So, this week, me (Luke Soin) and Joe-Joe Louis are joined by our friend and super funny improvisor and sketch comedian Kevin Scott Brown! Our topics are the new Captain America: Civil War trailer (Spider-man!), young Han Solo casting, and Game of Thrones season 6 rumors. SPOILERS for Game of Thrones seasons 1-5 and all the books. It's our last topic so if you want to skip out on that just wait till after we finish the Han Solo talk and you'll be safe ;). Thanks for listening friends. We'll be back next week!

Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Episode 9 - We Call it Dub Smack
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Hey look, we're late again, but we run on island time...? What matters is that we've recorded another episode and we have it here, ready for you to listen to right now! This time me (Luke Soin), and Joe-Joe Louis are joined by our good friend and extremely talented comedian, drummer, and barista Alfonso Portela! We talk about a bunch of stuff including Alfonso's aforementioned talents, my new papasan chairs, and we also spend time going around and recommending shows we think more people should watch. Mine was Star Wars Rebels and I do a horrible job describing it, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't watch it. Joe-Joe tells us about Gilmore Girls and why it's his favorite show, and Alfonso tells us about his love for documentaries and the like. We also talk comedy for a bit and we talk about our vices.. It's a low energy pod but sometimes those are nice, so sit back in your f&@# chair and enjoy!

Friday Mar 04, 2016
Episode 8 - Nitpicks and Chill
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Friday Mar 04, 2016
Sorry we're a little late this week but we're back! And this time Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis are joined by hilarious improvisor Corky McDonnell! He has his own podcast, The Potato Bureau, which we talk about at length. We also are joined briefly towards the end by Jordan Gannon. We talk about a lot of stuff this week including Corky's comedy history, his perception of stand up comics, Sitting Joe-Joe vs Standing Joe-Joe, and we dive deep into the new Ghostbusters trailer which leads into a lot of stuff about Star Wars. There's also a very in depth discussion about Venture Bros, one of the greatest Adult Swim shows of all time. Check it out!

Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Episode 7 - Had to Kill Clone Babies
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
So this week we decided to interview a tornado-monsoon on our podcast. The Calm Eddy Crew stopped by to talk to Joe-Joe Louis and myself (Luke Soin). Jason Anderson, Edgar Granados, and Bill Wallis all stopped by and got (more) drunk and talked about so many things. So, so, so many things. We started with Captain EO and ended with plugs, but in the middle there was stuff about business cards, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Spongebob, and Ralphie May. We also talked a lot about their once a month shows Wildcard Comedy at the Sacramento Comedy Spot, and StudiOMG! which takes place after Wildcard inside Edgar's actual studio apartment! This episode gets pretty crazy, but it was a lot of fun, so check it out! Also sorry for the audio, we had to rig some weird stuff to get everyone mic'd so some people are quieter than others, and it gets echoey as the show goes on. But it's worth it, thank you for listening!

Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Episode 6 - Bye Felicia
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Jon Gomora is leaving Sacramento! He's moving to Los Angeles to pursue his dreams of becoming a star! So Joe-Joe Louis and I (Luke Soin) had him on our podcast one more time (certainly not the last time) to say goodbye for now. We talk about a bunch of stuff like his new job, his comedy goals, and stuff. Also I delight Jon and Joe-Joe with a retelling of the mid-season return of The Walking Dead, which was utterly fantastic by the way, so big SPOILERS for that. You can listen until about 18 minutes before we get into that. Also some Game of Thrones spoilers a little before that. Then we talk about the failed PT and Silent Hills game, Gilmore Girls, and Deadpool, which was also straight up amazeballs. As always thank you for listening, if you like our podcast don't be afraid to tell your friends! We love new listeners! Hehe.

Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Episode 5 - Sorry Kilgrave
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Tuesday Feb 09, 2016
Hey! We're back! Me (Luke Soin), and Joe-Joe Louis are joined by our friend, comedian Jordan Gannon! This episode was very laid back, so get a cup of chamomile tea and let this one wash right over you. But also be prepared because...

Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Episode 4 - The First Time I Was Pretentious
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
We're back! Luke Soin is joined once again by Joe-Joe Louis, as well as three amazing guests, comedians Kiry Shabazz, Nick Larson (Joke Me Off Podcast), and, from the booth, Ta'Vi!
We talked about all kinds of stuff but mostly Luke was defending his love of practical monster effects in movies, specifically The Lord of the Rings trilogy vs The Hobbit trilogy. It gets intense, because nerds are like that. We also talked about 90's sitcoms, the shitty comedy open mic we did, Star Wars prequels, M. Night Shyamalan, and the water crisis in Flint, Michigan! That's a weird left turn for us but we did it for a few minutes.
Follow us on Twitter! @EpicTikiComedy, @BuckyGums, @KiryShabazz, @NickLarson85, @TaviTalksTrash
Also, listen to Nick's podcast which he does with the hilarious Saul Trujillo called Joke Me Off, it's fantastic and so funny https://www.facebook.com/jokemeoff/