
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Episode 33 - Bioshock and Stand Up
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Hey everyone we're finally back for 2017! Your favorites Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis basically just hang out and talk about video games, mostly Bioshock. They also talk about some shows and projects they've been working on, including Joe-Joe's new YouTube let's play channel coming in March. And finally, they get deep into some stand up comedy talk. It's a little different than normal, but we're trying something new. Either way, you're gonna like it.
For a preview of what to expect for Joe-Joe's new venture, check out Epic Tiki's let's play series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSkC_u9ILR2Hw1S0s1QsfJKaaLjEx8m0s
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only J.J. Abrams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn40UE3sRD8
And also also, please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions.
And you can subscribe and watch our huge catatlogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Sunday Dec 25, 2016
Episode 32 - Rogue One and Blade Runner 2049
Sunday Dec 25, 2016
Sunday Dec 25, 2016
Took us a minute but here's our review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis hang out to praise the sh*t out of the movie. But before they talk about that they spend a few minutes dissecting the pretty neat teaser trailer for Blade Runner 2049. Full SPOILERS for Rogue One. Happy Holidays guys!
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only J.J. Abrams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn40UE3sRD8
Also also please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe)
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions.
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our other hilarious videos!

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Episode 31 - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Review
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
What?? TWO episodes in one week?? YES two eps. We brought Erik Krasner in and we weren't gonna waste him on just one pod. In this episode, Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis are once again joined by Erik to delve into the Potterverse and its brand new film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. What did we think? Was the movie good? Listen! And you will know...and stuff...! We hope it goes without saying but there are spoilers here.
Also here is our exclusive interview with the one and only J.J. Abrams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn40UE3sRD8
Also also please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe) and @KRASNEROCALYPSE (Erik)
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions!
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos!

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Episode 30 - Gilmore Girls A Year in the Life Review
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Well guys, we had to do it, we reviewed Gilmore Girls: A Year in the life! Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis are joined by Erik Krasner and Becky Lynn this week as they get into the intricate goings-ons of Stars Hollow. Luke was confused the whole time but that's why we brought in our two expert guests. HELLA SPOILERS! Enjoy!
Also here is our exclusive interview with the one and only J.J. Abrams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn40UE3sRD8
Also also please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe), @KRASNEROCALYPSE (Erik), and @Ohthatsbecky (Becky)
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions!
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos!

Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Episode 29 - Doctor Strange Review
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
'Member when we meant to do a pod about Doctor Strange but we got drunk instead? Well we did the pod! This is our official review for Doctor Strange. Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis give all their views on the brilliant movie. We also talk about crossovers and the future of the MCU. We mention Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them BUT WE DIDN'T HAVE TIME! So we're gonna do another episode about that later. DON'T WORRY WE'LL DO IT.
Also if you wanna see our video review of Doctor Strange click on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE-hQDte-kY
And here is our exclusive interview with the one and only J.J. Abrams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn40UE3sRD8
Here's our Twitters: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe)
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions!
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos!

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Episode 28 - Ghost in the Shell and Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
It's been a couple weeks since we've done an episode, and we're sorry about that. We meant to do a Doctor Strange review but we got sidetracked with drinking at a tiki bar, The Jungle Bird, which you should check out in Sacramento sometime.
BUT, we're back. Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis ride home from the SF Punch Line with Mark Burg aka Bark Murg, to talk about the show Joe-Joe and Mark did, and two amazing movie trailers. The first trailer is for the controvertial Ghost in the Shell movie and the other is for Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. Both look awesome, but definitely at least one or both need more Asian actors. We are sad and happy about these movies. Tell us what you think in the comments or tweet at us!
@EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe) and @MarkJBurg (Mark Burg)
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions!
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos!

Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Episode 27 - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Logan, and Deadpool 2
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
So many amazing movie trailers have been dropping! In this episode comedians Joe-Joe Louis and Luke Soin talk about the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 teaser trailer, the very moody Logan trailer, and some important Deadpool 2 news. We have an episode!
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store.
You can follow us on Twitter here: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe)
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions!
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos!

Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Episode 26 - Rogue One, Channel Zero, Westworld, and The Walking Dead
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Kim Martel is back! After such a long absence from the pod! She joins Joe-Joe Louis and Luke Soin to briefly discuss last week's Rogue One trailer, while Joe-Joe sells us on Syfy's Channel Zero, and Luke and Kim sell Joe-Joe on Westworld, which might be the best new show of the year. We also discuss The Walking Dead at the end, and we didn't even mean to! But we did. Each thing gets a spoiler warning here. So if you're worried about them, skip around and avoid the different parts. For Channel Zero we only spoil the first two episodes, same with Westworld. Walking Dead gets all the spoilers.
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store.
You can follow us on Twitter here: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe), and @thekimmartel (Kim)
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions!
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos!

Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Episode 25 - Anime, Old Cartoons, and Power Rangers Trailer
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
In this week's episode of Epic Tiki's Take, it's just Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis. And a brand. New. Soundbooooooaaaaard! So the audio is back to normal, it's dope.
We had a plan for this episode, and then started talking about those Ghost in the Shell teases from a couple weeks ago, and then just went into anime talk. That lead to old cartoon talk, and finally, we got into the Power Rangers teaser trailer, as well as musings on other old shows that traded off of the Power Rangers formula. It's a fun, silly delirious episode that you're gonna love. We killed it on this one, for realsies.
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store.
You can follow us on Twitter here: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe)
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions!
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos!

Friday Oct 07, 2016
Episode 24 - Agents of SHIELD and Luke Cage
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
In this week's episode of Epic Tiki's Take, Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis are going solo bolo again. Also we would like to apologize for the audio, our soundboard broke so we've been trying some different things. Joe-Joe's audio is sort of low and weird the entire episode, but we don't think it's impossible to listen to. So please bear with us.
We talk about the first two episodes of the new season of Agents of SHIELD which features motha f&%$ing GHOST RIDER! And then we spend a long time discussing Luke Cage on Netflix which is pretty brilliant. Full SPOILERS for both topics.
Thanks for listening! Please find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store.
You can follow us on Twitter here: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe)
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions!
And you can also visit https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy to subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our hilarious videos!