
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Episode 43 - Black Panther Review with Maria Gloria and Melony Ford and Keo
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
As promised, here is our review of Black Panther! Maria Gloria and Melony Ford are back, and they brought Keo!
- Luke
Check out Maria Gloria's YouTube Channel!
And Melony's YouTube Channel!
And Keo's Twitch Channel!
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @millsbian (Melony), @mariaagloriaa (Maria Gloria), @SuperKeo (Keo)
And Instagram: @EpicTiki (Luke), @millsbian (Melony), @mariaagloriaa (Maria Gloria), and @Super_Keo (Keo)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. Ask us questions, broh.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Episode 42 - AJ Demello, Nick Larson, Andre Morton, and Jason Sohm
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Hey everyone we're back! This is a loud, funny, ridiculous episode. Comedians AJ Demello, Nick Larson, Andre Morton, and Jason Sohm of The Deaf Puppies join me to just hang out and mostly make fun of AJ. It's fantastic, you will love it. We love AJ too. He is a very special boy.
- Luke
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @humorousfiend (AJ), @andremortonjr (Andre), @NickLarson85 (Nick), and @JasonSohm (Jason).
And Instagram: @EpicTiki (Luke), @humorousfiend (AJ), @andremortonjr (Andre), @nicklarsoncomedy (Nick), and @jasonsohm (Jason)
Listen to Joke Me Off, Mello Moments, and The Walt Vault too!
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. Ask us questions, bro.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Episode 41 - Friends From College Review with Maria Gloria and Melony Ford
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
What's up guys we're back with another episode! This time Maria Gloria is back with first-timer Melony Ford to review the Netflix series, Friends from College! Not the sort of thing we usually review but it was pretty neat, so if you've seen it, we go in depth on it. This episode is a lot of fun even if you haven't seen Friends from College, so listen!
- Luke
And check out Maria Gloria's YouTube Channel!
And Melony's YouTube Channel!
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @millsbian (Melony), and @mariaagloriaa (Maria Gloria)
And Instagram: @EpicTiki (Luke), @millsbian (Melony), and @mariaagloriaa (Maria Gloria)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. Ask us questions, broh.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Friday Feb 09, 2018
Episode 40 - Blade Runner 2049 Review with Maria Gloria
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Hey guys, I decided to review Blade Runner 2049 months later because... why not? It was my favorite film of 2017. I'm a little tired on this one, so the "in-depth discussion" is half there, from me. But my guest, the amazingly talented Maria Gloria, is fantastic! We both watched it, made some notes, and we get distracted while we talk about it. It's a great episode. And I apologize if the audio isn't the best. We're working on it. Enjoy!
- Luke
And check out Maria Gloria's YouTube Channel!
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @mariaagloriaa (Maria Gloria)
And Instagram: @EpicTiki (Luke) and @mariaagloriaa (Maria Gloria)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. Ask us questions, broh.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Episode 39 - Cristian Amaral and Joe-Joe Louis
Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Saturday Feb 03, 2018
Back with another episode! This one features a lot of Joe-Joe Louis again, with some guest starring from Cristian Amaral, another hilarious Sacramento-based comedian. In this one we're coming home from a show in Chico and I get a speeding ticket! Don't worry I was safe and we stopped recording during the ticket. Listen away and enjoy...
- Luke
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @_CristianAmaral (Cristian Amaral), and @joejoehasfun (Joe-Joe)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. Ask us questions, broh.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Saturday Jan 27, 2018
Episode 38 - Mark Burg and Joe-Joe Louis
Saturday Jan 27, 2018
Saturday Jan 27, 2018
Kinda trying to change up the podcast and make it better/different. Another episode where we drive to the SF Punch. I have a feeling there will be a lot of these. - Luke
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @MarkJBurg (Mark Burg), and @joejoehasfun (Joe-Joe)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. Ask us questions, broh.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Episode 37 - DrivePod 1
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Finally, more podcast! Rejoice 2 or 3 listeners that we have! Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis just hang out and talk as they attempt driving to the San Francisco Punch Line. They did not make it, but they had fun. Just a check-in, some jokes, some updates. Look for more stuff soon!
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @joejoehasfun (Joe-Joe)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Episode 36 - Wonder Woman, Baby Driver, and Spider-Man Homecoming
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Hey we're back! And we missed a few weeks but we are ready to catch up. Luke Soin and Mike Garland review Wonder Woman, Baby Driver, AND Spider-Man Homecoming. So get ready for FULL SPOILERS for ALL THREE MOVIES. You've been warned. Thanks for listening, we hope you enjoy this and we'll do our best to be more consistent going forward. We promise...!
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @MrGarlandComedy (Mike)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Episode 35 - Alien Covenant
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
After another long and incredibly unintentional hiatus, we're back! Sort of! Luke Soin is joined by one of his best friends forever Mike Garland, so no Joe-Joe. We talk Alien: Covenant and spoil the shit out of it. Also we apologize for the weird audio, Mike lives in Florida so he was not "in studio" as it were. Enjoy!
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke) and @MrGarlandComedy (Mike)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only Tom Hardy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y39qV3ZI9IU
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Episode 34 - The Lego Batman Movie
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
We're on a roll! Luke Soin and Joe-Joe Louis are joined this week by also a comedian Mark Burg! We talk about The Lego Batman Movie (with SPOILERS) and then do the thing where we talk about our stand up "careers." Enjoy!
For a preview of what to expect from Joe-Joe's future let's play channel, check out Epic Tiki's let's play series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSkC_u9ILR2Hw1S0s1QsfJKaaLjEx8m0s
Please follow us on Twitter: @EpicTikiComedy (Luke), @BuckyGums (Joe-Joe), and @MarkJBurg (Mark Burg)
Thanks for listening! Find us on iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review. Reviews are important and help us get seen in the iTunes store!
And if you have questions or comments please LIKE our Facebook page and comment. We also accept topic submissions.
Also be sure to check out our exclusive interview with the one and only J.J. Abrams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn40UE3sRD8
And you can subscribe and watch the rest of our catalogue of YouTube videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/epictikicomedy